Brand new Text to Speech feature brings new ways to interact with your community!
Ghosthost users can now create text to speech commands in the same way that they can with alerts and audio files! Not only that but clients can also link them to their native Twitch channel points via the new response type. Currently basic and premium voices are available to all of our clients. Default voice selection is in the LeftNav > Audio > text to speech
user interface. These defaults are used if no custom voice is defined to over ride it per command.
Custom text to speech commands can be created in the usual locations and style. Include TTS in your commands using the following syntax: (tts "this is where the text to be said goes")
. This can be modified further by our clients with optional extra settings: (tts "this is the msg", 0, 2, David)
these extra settings are pitch (-10 to 10), rate (-5 to 5) and the custom voice. Viewers can use TTS either through the channel points reward system, or through using the new “!say” (followed by their messaged) command in chat. This will use the same cool down, costs & reward system as all other commands. There is also the option to ‘Mention sender’ which will literally start the message sent by viewers with ‘USERNAME says’ before their message.
So many options to have fun with!